Talks of the 2005 Edition, June 27th - July 15th

Experiments with inHand, a Consumer-Focused Application Platform, and the Implementation of Consistent Image-based Measurement and Classification of Skin Color.

Dr Nina Bhatti, HP Labs
Abstract The inHand system is an end-to-end architecture providing personalized ubiquitous experiences. We imagine a world where consumer routinely carry communication-enabled devices with one or more built in sensors based on technologies such as RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification), image capture, bar codes, etc. In our vision, all objects are content-rich, interactive, and linked to personalized information. "Clicking" on a recipe in a magazine could automatically add the needed ingredients to a shopping list, or play a video clip of a famous chef demonstrating the preparation. Clicking on a poster for an upcoming film would show previews of the film and invite ticket reservations. The inHand platform supports content customized to language preferences, previous history, current events, regional preferences, political views, etc. to create a personalized experience. In this talk we concentrate on technologies needed for image-based applications. For example, analyzing a person's appearance to make precise recommendations for products appropriate to that individual. Our goal is to allow the use of an arbitrary user's device. Therefore, our application must allow for large variations in operator skill, imaging device, device color processing, and very importantly the illuminant. While the general problem is known to be insoluble, it can be solved for a specific subset, such as skin coloring classification. The system makes recommendations based on the best matching class of the individual. In this talk, we will focus on methods for fast color correction, with emphasis on skin color, and fully automated skin sampling from images removing blemishes and shadows. We will show an evaluation of these methods to ground truth obtained through a study of 148 women.

Nina Bhatti's home page

Algorithms for switches

Dr. Shah Devavrat, MIT Boston
Abstract High speed data networks, such as the Internet, present the algorithm designer with highly constrained problems: the algorithms need to work at a very high speed while providing good performance and accessing limited computing resources. Consequently, only the simplest algorithms are implementable. But such algorithms may perform rather poorly. This tension between implementability and goodness of performance is acutely experienced by the designer of switch scheduling algorithms. In the first part of my talk I willl show how randomization may be used to simplify the implementation of switch schedulers. Specifically, I will exhibit a simple randomized scheduling algorithm and prove that it delivers 100% throughput while providing low delay. The second part of my talk concerns a new approach for analyzing the packet delay induced by an algorithm. I shall explain why traditional approaches based, for example, on queueing and large deviation theories are inadequate, and advance a new approach based on Heavy Traffic Theory. This approach helps explain some intriguing observations other researchers have made about the delay of scheduling algorithms based on simulations. It also leads to the characterization of a delay-optimal scheduling algorithm. Finally, I will briefly discuss a new distributed maximum weight matching algorithm based on ideas from AI and Statistical physics.

Shah Devavrat's home page

Engineering Stereoscopic Imaging Systems

Dr Cary Kornfeld, ETHZ
Abstract Spatial perception is an essential survival skill. Humans employ a diversity of methods for deriving spatial relationships from visual information: lighting cues, linear perspective, relative size, aerial perspective, occlusion, height relationships, etc. Building a system for stereoscopic imaging requires a background in a variety of topics, ranging from computer systems and performance evaluation to an understanding of the human vision system. A course on Stereoscopic Imaging has recently been developed at ETH Zurich that integrates topics from a variety of areas under the common thread of spatial imaging, providing a broad based, comprehensive study of human vision (anatomy, neurology, perception, image interpretation and construction), digital imaging (representations, encoding, compression, color spaces, solid state capture devices, display devices, color science, analog television), film craft, and the history of stereoscopy. Students are required to complete 5 major projects enabling them to explore the lecture material with _hands-on_ depth. They create simple stereoscopic images and video clips using simple and then increasingly more complex optics, camera and computer control systems. They devise a scientific method for establishing the relationship between camera separation and lens characteristics required to capture an arbitrary spatial volume. They are then required to build, using software and hardware, stereoscopic image capture and display systems. These are then used to create a half dozen ten minute stereoscopic film. By the time they_ve completed the course they have mastered an impressive range of skills and have learned, via first hand experience, about the subtleties of creating stereoscopic images. There is little doubt about the importance of spatial vision in the evolution and survival of the human species. But there remains continued debate as to the need for stereoscopic imaging systems for computer, engineering and communication tasks. It is a cruel irony that the term 3D has become a synonym for a cheap gimmick, a carnival trick, or a magician_s illusion.

Algorithmic Motion Planning: Challenges and Approaches

Andrew M. Ladd, University of Rice, Houston
Abstract Algorithmic motion planning research seeks to provide robust andefficient generation of motion plans under various constraints.Applications for these algorithms are diverse: autonomous andindustrial robotics, animation, virtual environments and structuralbioinformatics. This talk will relate the current state-of-art anddetail on-going research seeking to apply motion planning to systemswith increased physical realism by addressing difficulties that arisein handling dynamics and high-dimensional geometry.

Zero-error information theory: a round-trip from Shannon to Sperner

Prof. Janos Körner, University of Roma, La Sapienza
Abstract Shannon's classical 1956 paper "The zero-error capacity of a noisy channel" has led to important discoveries in combinatorics and computer science such as the theory of perfect graphs and Lovasz'Theta function. We show how Shannon's original problem can be generalized from its original formulation in terms of the capacity of graphs to the capacity of families of (directed) graphs and even hypergraphs and illustrate the power of the resulting theory by several examples in which well-known open problems in asymptotic combinatorics are solved using information-theoretic methods.We will briefly mention recent and yet unpublished joint results with C. Malvenuto on the capacity of infinite graphs and its relation to counting "very different" permutations.

Janos Körner's home page

Code Acquisition Strategies for UWB Impulse Radio

Dr. Gian Mario Maggio, ST Microelectronics, MICS EPFL
Abstract UWB (ultra-wideband) is an emerging wireless technology that findsapplication for both high data-rate communication systems, such asin WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network), and for low data-ratecommunications, like in wireless sensor networks. In the contextof UWB impulse radio, one of the crucial challenges remains theacquisition of synchronization in terms of time, robustness andnumber of operations, especially in harsh propagation environments,like in the presence of dense multipath and interfering users.This talk will present a study on different code acquisitionstrategies aimed at reducing the acquisition time, in the caseof high-throughput systems, or the acquisition complexity, thusthe corresponding power consumption, for low-power low data-rateapplications, respectively. An in-depth analysis, supported bysimulations in the presence of multipath will be presented, andthe results discussed.

Opportunistic Orthogonal Writing on Dirty Paper

Prof. Pramod Viswanath, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
Abstract Abstract: A simple scheme that achieves the capacity and reliability function of the wideband Costa's dirty paper channel is proposed. This scheme allows itself to be interpreted as an opportunistic version of pulse position modulation (PPM). This interpretation suggests a natural generalization of the scheme which we show to achieve the capacity per unit cost of abstract Gel'fand-Pinsker channels with a zero cost input letter.

Pramod Viswanath's home page

Provably secure routing in wireless ad hoc networks

Prof. Levente Buttyan, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Levente Buttyan's home page

From statistical physics to information systems

Dr Massimo Franceschetti, UCSD
Abstract ical physics originally developed to describe the collective behavior of large ensembles of interactive particles in matter. In this talk I will argue that the same mathematical tools can be exploited to study the behavior of complex information networks. This approach sheds new light on global properties of systems, including connectivity, achievable information rates, and robustness to failures. Key applications in the context of wireless networks will be presented.

Massimo Franceschetti's home page

Data Mining in Large-Scale Distributed Systems

Prof. Assaf Schuster, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
Abstract Recent advances in Internet and communication technologies have given rise to many new types of networks that excel in their scalability. Such systems include peer-to-peer networks, grid systems, router networks, ad-hoc mobilenetworks and wireless sensor networks. Many of these large-scale distributed infrastructures manufacture or collect data, and thus can be viewed as huge,highly distributed databases. When attempting to mine the data, its sheer volume, issues regarding its privacy, or even power considerations, mandate the development of distributed algorithms. But because data mining processestend to involve complex patterns that are iterative and synchronized, they cannot be scaled to the required level. The mining task is further complicated by the dynamicity of both the system and the data, as is inevitable in large-scale distributed systems. In this talk we present a general methodology for computing and mining data in large-scale distributed networks. Central to our approach are algorithms that output ad hoc results. These results are accurate because the changes in the global database are usually stationary. Another key idea is the development of super-scalable distributed algorithms for rather simple primitives. The high scalability is achieved by means of local computing, a method which also implies anytime computing, incrementality, and robustness. The scalable primitives then become building blocks forhigher-level and more complicated data mining goals through correct and efficient composition, which also preserves locality. The talk will focus on peer-to-peer networks, where the recent trends of e-economy, dropping storage prices, and increased connectivity, allow peers to collect and share huge volumes of valuable data, previously available only to corporations. We show how our methodology can be used to devise efficient algorithms that can be employed in peer-to-peer networks to meet challenges such as association rule mining and facility location.The talk summarizes several recent works coauthored with Ran Wolff, Denis Krivitsky, Amir Bar-Or, Mirit Shalem, Tsachi Scharfman, Bobi Gilburd, and Liran Liss.

Assaf Schuster's home page
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Representing Speech: Models, Frames, and Perception

Prof. Bastiaan Kleijn, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm
Abstract A variety of speech representations are used in different speech processingcontexts. This talk will provide a discussion of the motivation of thebasic structure of the most common representations. Threeillustrations will be provided as examples of how the commonly used representations can be improved. The first illustration discussesa theoretical shortcoming of the ubiquitous CELP speech-codingalgorithm and a method to eliminate this problem. The secondillustration shows the commonly used sinusoidal representation can begeneralized to a frame-based representation that facilitates perfectreconstruction and an accurate decomposition into physically meaningfulcomponents. The third illustration shows that the gap between theheuristic criteria used in speech (and audio) processing and thesophisticated auditory models of the psycho-acoustic literature can beeliminated by low-distortion approximations.


Benefits of exposing calls and returns

Prof. Rajeev Alur, University of Pennsylvania
Abstract Regular languages have robust theoretical foundations leading to numerousapplications including model checking. Context-free languages and pushdownautomata have been indispensable in program analysis due to their ability tomodel control flow in procedural languages, but the corresponding theory isfragile limiting its use. In the recently proposed definition of visiblypushdown languages, the set of input symbols is partitioned into calls,returns, and local symbols, and the type of the input symbol determines whenthe pushdown automaton can push or pop or swap. Exposing the matching structureof calls and returns is natural in associating a language with a sequentialblock-structured program or a document format with nested tags. The resultingclass of VPLs has many appealing theoretical properties concerning closure,robustness, decidability, determinization, and minimization.After reviewing the theory of VPLs, we show how it allows enhancing theexpressiveness of specification languages used in software model checking. Thetemporal logic of calls and returns (CaRet) integrates Pnueli-style temporalmodalities with Hoare-style reasoning by pre/post conditions, in a singlealgorithmic framework. CaRet extends the classical linear temporal logic with local-modalities that allow a path to jump from a call to the matching returnas well as caller-modalities that jump to the most recent pending call. Theseoperators can be used to specify a variety of non-regular properties such aspartial and total correctness of program blocks with respect to pre and postconditions, and security properties that involve inspection of the call-stack. The set of models of a CaRet formula can be interpreted as a visibly pushdownomega-language, and generalization of the classical tableau construction allowsmodel checking CaRet formulas against a pushdown model. We conclude bydiscussing ongoing research on a fixpoint calculus that can specifylocal and global properties of program flows, and some open problems.

Rajeev Alur's home page

Embedded Computing for High-Performance Video

Prof. Wayne Wolf, University of Princeton

Wayne Wolf's home page

Applications of coding theory in computational complexity

Prof. Luca Trevisan, University of Berkeley, California
Abstract This survey talk I will review our current (unfortunately, fairly poor) understanding of the average-case complexity of problems in NP, focusing on results that relate to the following questions: - Is it possible to base cryptography on the P=/=NP assumption, or related worst-case complexity assumptions? - Is it possible to prove the existence of hard-on-average problems in NP based on the P=/=NP assumption or related ones? - Are different formalizations of the question "are there hard-on-average problems in NP" equivalent? - What was that one-page paper by Levin about?

Luca Trevisan's home page

A Novel Approach for Querying Priced Information

Prof. Eduardo Laber, PUC Rio
Abstract This talk, we focus on competitive function evaluation in the context of computing with priced information. A function f on the set of variables V is given together with a cost c_x for each variable x of V. The cost c_x has to be paid to read the value of x. The problem is to design algorithms that query the values of the variables sequentially in order to compute the function while trying to minimize the total cost incurred. Competitive analysis is employed to evaluate the performance of the algorithms. We describe a novel approach for devising efficient algorithms in this setting. We apply our approach to several classes of functions which have been studied in the literature of computing with priced information, e.g., monotone boolean functions, game trees, selection of the minimum. In most of the cases considered, our approach leads to optimal algorithms. This research is motivated by problems that arise in networked economies and Databases

Eduardo Laber's home page

Sub-linear Indexing for Large Scale Object Recognition

Dr Jiri Matas, CVUT Praha
Abstract Realistic approaches to large scale object recognition, i.e. for detection and localisation of hundreds or more objects, must support sub-linear time indexing. A method capable of recognising one of N objects in log(N) time will be presented. The "visual memory" is organised as a binary decision tree that is built to minimise average time to decision. Leaves of the tree represent a few local patches, and each non-terminal node is associated with a weak classifier. In the recognition phase, a single invariant measurement on a query patch decides in which subtree a corresponding patch is sought. The method possesses all the strengths of local affine region methods robustness to background clutter, occlusion, and large changes of viewpoints. Experimentally we show that it supports near real-time recognition of hundreds of objects with state-of-the-art recognition rates. After the test image is processed (in a second on a current PCs), the recognition via indexing into the visual memory requires milliseconds. Time permitting, a life demonstration of the method will be shown during the talk. Jiri Matas's home page

Jiri Matas's home page

Some properties of k-wise independent distributions

Prof. Louay Bazzi, American University of Beirut
Abstract We study the derandomization capabilities of probability measures on the hamming cube having the k-wise independence property, the small-bias property, and the almost k-wise independence property.First, using linear-programming duality, we characterize in the Fourier domain the class of boolean functions that can be fooled by probability measures having those properties.Among other results, we establish a sharp upper bound on the probability that a random binary string generated according to a k-wise independent probability measure has any given weight. The setting is naturally extendible to almost k-wise independent probability measures. We give applications related to the distribution of quadratic-residues and the weight distribution of linear codes.From a concrete viewpoint, we prove that any sufficiently log-wise independent probability measure looks random to all polynomially small read-once DNF formulas. Thesetting is naturally extendible to almost k-wise independent probability measures. We give an application related to the distribution of quadratic-residues.We characterize also the location of classical linear-codes-based constructions of k-wise independentprobability measures in the convex polytope of all such measures, and its subpolytope consisting of thosemeasures whose Fourier transform is nonnegative.

American University of Beirut website

Large scale circuit placement -- challenges and progress

Prof. Jason Cong, UCLA
Abstract Placement is one of the most important steps in the RTL to GDSII synthesis process, as it directly defines the interconnects, which have become the bottleneck in circuit and system performance in deep submicron technologies. The placement problem has been studied extensively in the past 30 years. However, recent studies showed that existing placement solutions were surprisingly far from optimal. The optimality and scalability studies of existing placement tools in the past two years showed that the results of leading placement tools from both industry and academia were 50% to 150% away from the optimal solutions in terms of the total wirelength. If such a gap can be closed, it will be equivalent to several technology generation advancements. The first part of my talk summarizes the techniques and results of our placement optimality studies. The second part of the talk present the ongoing research at UCLA on highly scalable placement algorithms using multilevel methods and non-linear optimization. I shall discuss our work on the generalized force-directed method using the non-linear optimization formulation and the way we implement it in a multilevel framework. The latest release of our placement package, mPL5, demonstrated best optimality and scalability results compared to other existing public domain placement packages. Joint work with Tony Chan, Joe Shinnerl, Kenton Sze, Min Xie

Jason Cong's home page

The concept of scheduled access in ad hoc wireless networks

Prof. Antony Ephremides, University of Maryland
Abstract One of the basic methods for accessing a shared channel is based on scheduled, controlled access so that destructive interference can be avoided. In Ad Hoc Wirelesss Networks a minimum form of scheduling is absolutely necessary since wireless nodes cannot transmit and receive simultaneously on the same channel. We examine the scheduling of transmissions from several perspectives. One view concerns the matching of transmitter nodes to desired receiver nodes through the assocoated power control problem that is necessary when a reasonable physical layer model is used. Another view concerns a practical algorithm fror cross-layer scheduling in conjunction with routing. Yet another view examines scheduling as part of the use of network coding. And, finally, there is a broader, more general view in which scheduling refers to asssigning different power levels to transmitting nodes at different time slots that need not be zero in any slot. In all these views, there are various performance implications (including energy consumption). We will review the scheduling concept from all these perspectives and present selected recent results in most of them and we will pose some potentially interesting research questions. Antony Ephremides'home page

Antony Ephremides'home page
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Advanced Networks on chip: architectures and design flow

Prof. Luca Benini, Università di Bologna

Luca Benini's home page

Algebraic Theory of Signal Processing

Prof. Markus Püschel, Carnegie Mellon University
Abstract The talk gives an overview of a new, algebraic approach to the foundation of linear signal processing. The algebraic approach goes beyond linear algebra (the theory of vector spaces), which is not sufficient to capture the fundamental structure underlying digital signal processing (DSP). At the core of algebraic signal processing is the concept of a linear signal model defined as a triple (A, M, phi), where familiar concepts like the filter space and the signal space are cast as an algebra A and a module M, respectively, and phi generalizes the concept of the z-transform to bijective linear mappings from a vector space into the module M. The algebraic point of view shows that the same algebraic structure induces many diverse theories of signal processing, such as infinite and finite discrete time and space, and multidimensional DSP. As soon as a signal model is selected, all main DSP ingredients follow, including the notions of filtering, spectrum, and Fourier transform, which take different forms for different signal models. The algebraic theory identifies the shift operator q as a key concept and uniquely clarifies its role: the shift operator q is the generator of the algebra of filters A. Once the shift operation is defined, a well-defined procedure that we introduce leads to the definition of the associated signal model. Different choices of shift lead to infinite and finite time models with associated infinite and finite z-transforms, and to infinite and finite space models with associated infinite and finite C-transforms (that we introduce). In particular, we show that the 16 discrete cosine and sine transforms are Fourier transforms for the finite space model. Other definitions of the shift lead to new signal models and to new transforms as associated Fourier transforms. Finally, the algebraic theory provides the means to discover, concisely derive, explain, and classify fast transform algorithms.Markus Püschel's home page

Markus Püschel's home page

A Nonlinear Dynamics Approach to EMI Reduction and High Throughput True Random Number Generation

Prof. Gianluca Setti, University of Ferrara, Italy
Abstract In this lecture we will briefly introduce a statistical frameworkto tackle the complex (chaotic) behavior that characterize even very simple,discrete-time dynamical systems (i.e. maps). More specifically, we will havea look on how such maps can be considered as stochastic processes generatorswith tunable statistical features. We will then apply such an approach to:1) EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interference) reduction2) High Throughput True Random Number Generation (TRNG)More details follow for each subtpic:1) EMIWe will show that the use of chaos-based frequency modulated timing signalallows to reduce the power spectrum peak of EMI in power converters ordigital systems boards by approximately 9dB with respect to other know andpatented methodologies for spread spectrum clocking generation, which areemployed in some products from Intel, IBM and Cypress.2) High Throughput TRNGWe will here consider a methodology, based on chaotic maps, for implementingTRNGs which, in terms of implementation easiness, has features similar towidely employed pseudo-RNGs. More specifically, they can be practicallyrealized out of pipeline analog-to-digital converters(ADC) parts so that one can easily reuse design expertise and even analogIntellectual-Property blocks to quickly embed true random sources in SOCsand specialized apparatuses. A chaos-based TRNG based on this approach hasbeen designed in AMS 0.35um CMOS technology. Measurement results showed thatthe designed chaos-based TRNG:- operates at a throughput of approximately 20Mbits/s, i.e. faster than current state-of-the-art TRNG;- behaves in a completely satisfactory way when validated against two standard randomness test suites proposed by NIST (FIPS 140.2 and SP800-22).

Gianluca Setti's home page
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Deterministic clustering with data nets

Prof. Leonard Schulman, Caltech

Leonard J. Schulman's home page

Programming the Interactive Web

Prof. Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown University

Shriram Krishnamurthi's home page
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Robust Computing

Prof. Trevor Mudge, University of Michigan
Abstract At a recent International Electron Devices Meeting, Intel chairman AndrewGrove reiterated his position that Moore's law (stating that circuit densitydoubles roughly every two years) will not slow down for at least a decade.By that time, integrated circuits will have feature sizes smaller than 30nanometers, allowing for integration of billions of devices on a single dieand enabling unforeseen computational capabilities. Aggressively scaledfeature sizes result in increased process variability, substantialuncertainty in device performance, and poor reliability. In that connectionGrove mentioned that at 30nm design will enter an era of "probabilisticcomputing," with the behavior of logic gates no longer being deterministic.Thus, new approaches to robust design will be crucial to the successfulcontinuation of process scaling which has fueled the modern semiconductorindustry.In our talk we will present an approach to robust computing based ontiming-fault tolerant latches, or Razor latches, as we have termed them.They are designed to detect errors in buses, bit-sliced logic, arithmeticlogic, and random logic that are manifest as delay errors. As we will showthese are rarely simple unidirectional errors, which precludes using simpleerror-detecting codes. Timing-fault tolerant latches have better coverage inthis context and work for all types of logic. Furthermore, they allow us torun with small amounts of error. Being able to compute in the presence oferrors allows design margins to be eliminated. These margins are required tocompensate for process and temperature variation as well as power supplynoise. Their removal allow significant power reduction and simplifies designclosure -- typical case design is now possible and corner cases can beignored.

Trevor Mudge's home page

A photon counting imager used as a noiseless kHz frame-rate detector for an adaptive optics system for large ground-based telescopes.

Dr Bettina Mikulec & Dr Michael Campbell, CERN

Bettina Mikulec's contact

Sparse Approximation, Denoising, and Large Random Dictionaries

Prof. Vivek Goyal, MIT
Abstract A spate of recent results has renewed interest in sparse signal representations -- linear combinations of small numbers of elements chosen from an overcomplete dictionary of vectors. While most recent work has focused on identifying cases in which finding optimal sparse approximations is computationally tractable, there are few results that quantify the effect of underlying sparsity on achievable estimation error. This talk gives new results on the ability to estimate a sparsely-representable signal from a noisy observation, including both the probability of recovering the sparsity pattern and the mean-squared estimation error. One main result uses rate-distortion theory to bound the mean-squared estimation error as a simple function of the problem dimension, sparsity, and SNR. The other main results are bounds and approximations that apply when the dictionary is large and isotropically random. Joint work with Alyson Fletcher, Sundeep Rangan, and Kannan Ramchandran.

Vivek Goyal's home page

Read-Once Functions and Cographs Revisited

Prof. Martin Charles Golumbic, University of Haifa,
Abstract In this talk, we present the first polynomial time algorithm for recognizing and factoring read-once functions. The algorithm is based on algorithms for cograph recognition and a new efficient method for checking normality. Its correctness is based on a classical characterization theorem of Gurvich which states that a positive Boolean function is read-once if and only if it is normal and its co-occurrance graph is $P_4$-free. We also investigate the problem of factoring certain non-read-once functions. In particular, we show that if the co-occurrence graph of a positive Boolean function $f$ is a tree, then the function is read-twice. We then extend this further proving that if $f$ is normal and its corresponding graph is a partial $k$-tree, then $f$ is a read $2^k$ function and a read $2^k$ formula for $F$ for $f$ can be obtained in polynomial time. (Joint research with Aviad Mintz and Udi Rotics)

Martin Charles Golumbic's home page

Towards a New Browser and a Cross-media Search Engine for Heterogeneous Digital Contents

Prof. Katsumi Tanaka, University of Kyoto
Abstract In this talk, I will mainly describe our two research projects: the first project is concerned with the research and development of new types of content browsers at NICT (National Institute of Information and Communication Technologies), which aims at exploring technologies of transforming and integrating Web and TV broadcasting contents and the development of the new content browsers for the integrated information. The second topic is the research and development of cross-media search engines for distributed and heterogenous digital contents, such as a cross-media metasearch engine for digital images.

Katsumi Tanaka's home page

Information-Theoretic Bounds on the Parity-Check Density of LDPC Codes: Previous and Recent Results

Prof. Igal Sason, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
Abstract Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are efficiently encoded and decoded due to the sparseness of their parity-check matrices. Motivated by their remarkable performance and feasible complexity under iterative message-passing decoding, Urbanke and me derived lower bounds on the density of parity-check matrices of binary linear codes whose transmission takes place over a memoryless binary-input output-symmetric channel [IEEE Trans. on IT, July 2003]. The bounds are expressed in terms of the gap between the rate of these codes for which reliable communications is achievable and the channel capacity. In my talk, I will present these previously reported bounds, and also present some recent results which improve the known lower bounds. The tightness of these bounds will be considered in light of the thresholds they provide for LDPC ensembles under ML decoding. The recent results are based on a joint work with Mr. Gil Wiechman.

Igal Sason's home page

The Adaptive Properties of Small and Large-scale Structure of Self-organized Networks in Ants

Prof. Guy Theraulaz, CNRS, Toulouse
Abstract Many collective activities performed by social insects result from self-organized processes. Nonlinear interactions among individuals can give rise to highly structured collective behaviors and complex spatio-temporal patterns despite a strong random component in individual behaviors. In ants, a great number of these self-organized structures such as foraging trails or nests are networks or can be described as a network. Until quite recently, these networks did not attract much attention and were merely seen as random arrangements. However some recent experimental results revealed that network geometry can be a valuable source of information for the insects that travel along these paths. Indeed, the geometry of trail networks is a source of directional information that can be used by ants in an adaptive way to re-orientate themselves if they walk in the wrong direction. Moreover an interesting consequence of the ability of ants to make use of the cues given by bifurcation angles is that the efficiency of path selection toward a food source strongly depends on the geometry of the trail network. The large-scale structure of these networks also possesses some interesting functional properties such as robustness. For instance, ant networks of galleries combine high levels of robustness and efficiency while the ants minimize their total length.

CNRS web page

Network coding for cost, reliability and ease of management.

Prof. Muriel Médard, MIT
Abstract Network coding has recently emerged as an effective method to go beyondtraditional route-based networks.While network coding allows certain traffic matrices that are infeasible withtraditional routing to be achievable, it is possible that its main benefits fornetworking may lie mainly in the way that network coding allows for efficient,distributed operation. We overview some recent results in the area ofdistributed network coding and discuss network coding for cost minimization anderasure handling. Distributed randomized network coding simultaneouslyyields a reduction in cost, say energy use, and networkcapacity-achieving performance in erasure settings. We discuss some possibleimplications for wireless networks and present some open problems in the area.

Muriel Médard's home page

Processing along the way: forwarding vs. coding

Prof. Daniela Tuninetti, University of Illinois
Abstract In this talk we address the issue of separation of channel coding and ``smart routing'', also referred to as network coding, in multihop network. In the seminal work by Ahlswede et al. it was shown that coding over independent information streams allows to better share the available network resources and increase the overall throughput in multicast scenarios, even in the case where the links in the network are error-free. This model implicitly assumes that relay nodes can operate without delay and complexity constraints. In this work we constrain the processing capability of the relay nodes. We consider a source that transmits to a receiver by routing the information packets over a communication network represented by a directed graph. We examine rate benefits that finite complexity processing at the intermediate nodes may offer. We show that the processing capabilities of the intermediate nodes affect not only the end-to-end achievable rate, but also the optimal routing strategy. We show that there exist configurations where the optimal rate is achieved only when coding across independent information streams (channel coding and routing cannot be separated); that optimal processing is function of the particular set of channel parameters and not only of the network topology; that small processing capability suffices to achieve a large fraction of the ultimate network performance; and that there exists a connection between linear codes and routing for a special class of graphs. (Joint work Christina Fragouli at EPFL).

Daniela Tuninetti's contact

Old Tricks for New Problems

Prof. Mohamed Oussama Damen, ECE Waterloo, Canada
Abstract Reliable communications over wireless channels present very challenging problems due to the constant demand of higher data rate with better quality of service on the one hand, and signal attenuation, multipath fading and co-channel interference suffered by the transmitted signals on the other. The latter phenomena are usually combated by spreading the information bits over different degrees of freedom of the channel (e.g., time, frequency or space). In this talk, we discuss using old techniques to solve problems arising in communications over multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels. In the first part, we show that LAttice Space-Time (LAST) codes, achieve the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff under MMSE-lattice decoding. In order to increase the degrees of freedom of the channel, we use ARQ in MIMO channels and characterize the diversity-multiplexing-delay tradeoff in the ARQ-MIMO channel where incremental redundancy (IR) LAST codes are proved to achieve the optimal tradeoff under MMSE-lattice decoding. An integral component of the optimal IR-LAST coding scheme is a list decoder, based on MMSE lattice decoding, for joint error detection and correction. In the second part, we further elaborate on the decoder structure and discuss a unified framework for MMSE-lattice decoding through tree search algorithms. Among the algorithms discussed, a variation on the Fano decoder, namely, MMSE-Fano (lattice) decoder with lattice reduction and column ordering, emerges as a powerful tool to solve the joint detection and decoding problem. The excellent performance-vs-complexity tradeoff achieved by the proposed MMSE-Fano decoder is established via simulation results and analytical arguments in several MIMO and ISI scenarios. The main contribution of this work (which summarizes several papers co-authored with H. El Gamal and G. Caire) is to show that the traditional techniques of lattice coding, ARQ, power control, MMSE-DFE filtering and sequential lattice decoding allow for solving some of the fundamental problems in MIMO communications. Another important contribution is to use lattice coding and sequential lattice decoding for formulating a unified framework for the different encoding and decoding techniques in MIMO channels.

Mohamed Oussama Damen's home page

Potential of quasi-infinite spaces : artistic and architectural processes in self-expanding worlds

Prof. Nicolas Reeves, University of Quebec, Montreal
Abstract Research-creation differs from scientific research by its objectives andaims, which brings it closer to the artistic realm, but it may be based onthe same scientific concepts and on the same tools and technologies. Thecity of Montreal (Canada) is currently the locus of a burst of emerginghigh-tech creation practices, supported both by the universities and thedifferent government levels, where artists, engineers and scientists meetaround the development of massively transdisciplinary creation projects, theoutput of which being distributed between art installations andperformances, scientific publications, seminars and transfers to otherrealms. I will present the general portrait of this evolution, thenintroduce two of its major actors (the Hexagram Institute and the Societyfor Arts and Technology), and finally exemplifies it through twointerrelated projects from our own lab, both of which being situated at thecrossroads of arts, sciences and technology : « Potential of quasi-infinitespaces », where we try to maximize the potential fertility of a givendigital space, and « The Mascarillons Sphere », a swarm-intelligencerobotics project involving flying cubic automatas, developed in partnershipwith researchers from EPFL, UWE and U. Paul Sabatier,.


Communication under Regulatory Power Constraints

Prof. Michael Gastpar, University of Berkeley, California
Abstract Wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks allow for cooperative communication strategies (for example, variants of beamforming). For such communication modes, regulatory bodies are likely to impose power limitations for the system as a whole, rather than for individual components. In this talk, we discuss some of the consequences of this change in perspective, in terms of the resulting system capacities (relay networks, ad-hoc wireless networks), in terms of coding strategies, and in terms of overall system performance (in sensor network examples).

Michael Gastpar's contact

Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Using Hidden Smooth Subgroups

Dr Zulfikar Ramzan, DOCOMO USA Labs
Abstract Suppose Alice and Bob wish to securely communicate with each other overan otherwise insecure network. They share knowledge of a (small) secretpassword which is their only means for authenticating each other overthe network. In and of itself, the password might be "human memorable"so it does not have sufficient entropy to be used as a cryptographickey. In this talk, we focus on the following question: how can Alice and Bobleverage their (low-entropy) password to agree on a secure(high-entropy) cryptographic key, thereby establishing a secure channelbetween them?This particular problem, known as Password Authenticated Key Exchange(PAKE), is fundamental for typical user authentication (e.g., PAKEschemes could be used in FTP, Telnet, etc.). An eavesdropper can try torecord conversations, and go offline to try every possible passwordchoice until it finds one that seems to fit the conversation. This isknown as an offline dictionary attack. If the space of possiblepasswords is small (as is often the case in practice), then an attackercan rapidly perform this exhaustive search. Even worse, an adversarymay even try to impersonate Alice (or Bob), and attempt an offlineattack on the resulting conversation. Our goal, therefore, is to designa protocol that is secure against all such attacks. Numerous PAKE protocols have been proposed. Some are provably secureand can be trusted, whereas many others have been broken. There are twogeneral approaches that all the practical and provably secure PAKEprotocols in the literature employ. These two techniques are general,and it appeared as though the overall design space for practical andprovably secure PAKE schemes had been exhausted.

full abstract http://talk/index.php
Zulfikar Ramzan's home page
PowerPoint :

Algorithms exploiting the chain structure of proteins

Dr Itay Lotan
Abstract Proteins are large molecules (from a few hundred to several thousand atoms) that affect almost all properties of living organisms. Gene expression, catalysis,storage and transport, transmission of signals, defense against intruders and many other vital functions are all performed by proteins. Since their functions are largely dependent on their spatial structure, the study of the 3-D shapes of proteins is central to the field of structural biology. Various computational methods have been developed to enhance our understanding of proteins, from molecular simulation techniques, to structure determination tools, to comparison and classification methods. Their ubiquitous use in research today, along with the rapidly growing number of proteins of known sequence and structure, create a need for efficient algorithms that can handle the complexity of proteins. In this talk I will present two new algorithms that address fundamental problems in computational structural biology. The common thread of these algorithms is their use of concepts and techniques from robotics and computational geometry to exploit the long chain kinematics of proteins (a protein is a sequence of amino-acids that form a long flexible backbone with short protruding sidechains). The first algorithm is an automatic method for completing partial models of protein structures resolved using X-ray crystallography. It was developed in collaboration with the Joint Center for Structural Genomics at SSRL.

full abstract on Summer Research yoda's database
Itay Lotan's home page

From Swarm Intelligence to Swarm Engineering: out of the lab and into the real world

Prof. Alan Winfield, University of the West of England, Bristol
Abstract Swarm Intelligence is the study of how insect or animal societies collectively perform apparently miraculous feats of construction or coordination with, apparently, no centralised or hierarchical control. From an engineering perspective, the Swarm Intelligence paradigm is compellingly attractive. If offers the possibility that we may be able to engineer future large scale distributed systems in a radically new way. Instead of very complex centralised or hierarchical command and control structures - which are proving increasingly difficult to design and validate - we could build completely decentralised systems, with relatively simple agents. If such Swarm Engineered systems make use of emergence to generate the desired overall system behaviours then, potentially, we could achieve hitherto impossible levels of scalability and robustness. In the context of Swarm Robotics (= embodied Swarm Intelligence), this talk will discuss the gap between the research lab and the real world, and what needs to be done to bridge that gap. The talk will debate such questions as "how can we design emergence in a methodologically rigourous way?"; "how can we formally validate or prove swarm engineered systems?", or "what is the realistic potential for real-world swarms?". Swarm engineering is a radical new paradigm for building complex systems. The talk will conclude by suggesting that "perhaps we should - radically - consider changing the way we approach the validation of future complex systems".

Alan 's home page
PowerPoint :

Multiantenna Capacity: Progress and Misconceptions

Prof. Sergio Verdu, University of Princeton

Sergio Verdu's home page

The long story from the _Research_ to the _Implementation_ of a new technology in the telecommunication world

Jacques Robadey, Swisscom Innovation
Abstract The course will show the different stages of Research and Development atHigh Schools, Research Institutes and in the industries to launch newtelecommunication products. Some specific examples of research at SwisscomInnovation (with/out external collaboration) that led to new products willillustrate the topic. In the examples broadband access and Unlimited (now implemented) will betreated. The perspective of long term future technologies such as "sensornetworks" will also be discussed. The different stages in the development ofnew technologies will clearly illustrate the collaboration between highschools, equipment supplier and operators. It will also show the importanceof the customer need, for the decision to support new ideas and for thefinal success of a new technology.The different R&D stages will include:- basic research- applied research- research analysis- standard participation and analysis- opportunities evaluation- role definition in a multiplayer environment- demonstrator- business model- prebusiness case- business case (with iteration)- preliminary go non go decision- pilot trials- full business case- final go non go decision- implementation- modification- upgrades etc

Decentralized Detection of a Nomadic Transmitter via Helping Agents

Prof. Shlomo Shamai, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Shlomo Shamai's home page

Algorithms for distances between distributions

Dr Suresh Venkatasubramanian, AT & T Labs Research
Abstract In many data analysis settings, whether they be in data cleaning, networkanalysis, machine learning, computer vision, or even neuroscience, thebasic primitive is a distribution, or a histogram. The analysis taskinvolves estimating distances between such primitives, exactly orapproximately.Distributions can be viewed as points in a d-dimensional space,and "standard" distances (like those derived from l_p norms) can beemployed in tasks like classification and clustering. It turns out thoughthat other distances (especially measures like relative entropy that arederived from information-theoretic considerations) are more meaningful inmany application settings, both formally and in practice.This presents an interesting algorithmic challenge: Are there goodalgorithms for estimating such distances, preferably in sublinearspace/time ? Can these be used effectively in various application domains,and at scale ?In this talk, I will describe current research directions in the"algorithmics" of distributions, and sketch out recent work that I've beendoing on both the applied and theoretical ends of this area.

Suresh Venkatasubramanian's home page

Mixed-Mode ESD Protection Circuitry Design for RF ICs: Prediction and Characterization.

Prof. Albert Wang, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago

Albert Want's home page