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Guests of the 2009 Edition, July 2nd - July 21st 2001

Prof. Calton Pu Oregon Graduate Inst.,Atlanta GA, USA Prof. Dave Forney MIT, Cambridge, USA
Prof. Igal Sason Technion, Haifa, Israel
Prof. K. Ramchandran University of California at Berkeley
Prof. Richard Baraniuk Rice University, Houston TX, USA
Prof. Ravi Prakash University of Texas, Dallas TX, USA
Prof. F.J. Vazquez-Abad University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
Prof. Amos Lapidoth ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Don Towsley University of Massachusetts
Dr. Alexander Dmitriev Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Dr. Christophe Diot Sprintlabs, Burlingame CA, USA
Dr. Charles Perkins Nokia Corporation, Mountain View CA, USA
Prof. Elizabeth Royer University of California, USA
Prof. Nitin Vaidya Texas A & M, College Station TX, USA
Dr. Bulent Yener Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
Prof. Samir Das University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH, USA
Prof. Tatsuaki Okamoto NTT Japan, Kanagawa, Japan
Prof. Erdal Arikan Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
Prof. Willi Meier FH-Aargau, Windisch, Switzerland
Dr Robert Nowak Rice University, Houston TX, USA
Dr. Pascal Felber Bell Labs, Murray Hill NJ, USA
Prof. Guiseppe Caire Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis, France
Prof. Raymond Knopp Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis, France
Prof. Sergio Verdu Princeton, Princeton NJ, USA