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-====== Talks of the  2009 Edition ======+====== Talks of the  2009 Edition, June 15th - July 3rd  ​======
 <​html> ​                   <​html> ​                  
 <table xmlns:​epfl="​http://​www.epfl.ch/​memento"​ cellpadding="​1"​ cellspacing="​0"​ border="​0">​ <table xmlns:​epfl="​http://​www.epfl.ch/​memento"​ cellpadding="​1"​ cellspacing="​0"​ border="​0">​
Line 721: Line 721:
 </​tbody>​ </​tbody>​
 </​table>​ </​table>​
-<!-- end include/​mainData/​xmlDataSource.jsp --> 
-<P CLASS="​clear"></​p><​!-- end include/​mainData/​declarations.jsp --></​td>​ 
- <td valign="​top"​ class="​col"​ width="​155"><​!-- colonne de droite-->​ 
- <!-- start include/​utilities/​undefinedField_css2.jsp --> 
-<script language="​JavaScript">​ 
- <!-- 
- /** 
- * Checks if the search is done on "this site" (radiobutton '​jahia'​ checked in the checkbox), 
- * and if it is the case changes the form action accordingly. 
- * 
- * @param formObj the form. 
- */ 
- function searchDispatcher(formObj) ​ { 
- var checkboxList = formObj.elements["​searchdomain"​];​ 
- var checkbox= null; 
- if (checkboxList) { 
- if (checkboxList.checked) { 
- checkbox=checkboxList;​ 
- } 
- for (i = 0; i < checkboxList.length;​ i++)  { 
- if (checkboxList[i].checked) { 
- checkbox= checkboxList[i];​ 
- break;​ 
- } 
- } 
- } 
- if (checkbox && checkbox.value == '​jahia'​) ​ { 
- formObj.action = "/​Jahia/​engineName/​search/​site/​ic/​pid/​70153?​matrix=1267696875530";​ 
- // rename (rather copy) field values into something appropriate for search engines. 
- formObj.elements["​search"​].value = formObj.elements["​query"​].value;​ 
- } else { 
- formObj.action = "​http://​search.epfl.ch/​process";​ 
- } 
- } 
- function submitForm(formObj) { 
- searchDispatcher( formObj ); 
- formObj.submit();​ 
- } 
- // --> 
- </​script>​ 
- <form 
- name="​searchForm214401902416440029"​ 
- method="​post"​ 
- onSubmit='​return searchDispatcher(this);'> ​   <div class="​box_title grey">​ 
- SEARCH</​div> ​  <​!-- box_title grey --><​div class="​grey_border box"><​input type="​hidden"​ name="​search">​ 
-        <input type="​hidden"​ name="​lang"​ value="​en"/>​ 
- <input type="​radio"​ class="​align_radiobutton"​ value="​jahia"​ name="​searchdomain"​ checked/>​ 
-            ​ 
-            &​nbsp;​this site<​br/>​ 
-        <input type="​radio"​ class="​align_radiobutton"​ value="​directory"​ name="​searchdomain"​ checked>&​nbsp;​a person<​br/>​ 
- <​input type="​radio"​ class="​align_radiobutton"​ value="​map"​ name="​searchdomain">&​nbsp;​a place<​br/>​ 
- <input type="​radio"​ class="​align_radiobutton"​ value="​web"​ name="​searchdomain">&​nbsp;​ Web EPFL<​br/>​ 
- <​br/><​input type="​text"​ class="​align_button"​ name="​query"​ size="​10"​ maxlength="​30">&​nbsp;&​nbsp;<​a href="​javascript:​submitForm(document.searchForm214401902416440029)"><​img border="​0"​ src="/​images/​button_ok.gif"​ alt="​OK"></​a>​ 
-            <br/> 
- </​div> ​ <!-- box grey_border --></​form>​ 
- <!-- 
- By default, select the radio button corresponding to "​person"​ search 
- if the site search is enabled, select the second radio button 
- otherwise select the first one... 
- --> 
- <script language="​JavaScript">​ 
-   // There can be no elements at all 
-   if (document.searchForm214401902416440029.elements["​checkbox"​]) 
-   { 
- // Using just elements["​checkbox"​][0] does not work 
- // if there is only one element, because it's not an array 
- document.searchForm214401902416440029.elements["​checkbox"​][1].checked = true; 
-   } 
- </​script>​ 
-<!-- end include/​utilities/​undefinedField_css2.jsp --> 
- <​tr>​ 
- <td width="​155"></​td>​ 
- <td align="​center"​ valign="​top"​ class="​path margin">​ 
- <!-- start include/​footer.jsp --> 
-<hr noshade="​noshade"​ size="​1"/>​ 
-    <A HREF='​http://​ic.epfl.ch/​sitemap.html'>​Site map</​A>​ &#149; 
- &copy; 2010 EPFL 
- , 1015 Lausanne, tel. 021 693 5223<​br/>​ 
- <a href='​mailto:&#​119;&#​101;&#​098;&#​109;&#​097;&#​115;&#​116;&#​101;&#​114;&#​046;&#​105;&#​099;&#​064;&#​101;&#​112;&#​102;&#​108;&#​046;&#​099;&#​104;'>​ 
- &#​119;&#​101;&#​098;&#​109;&#​097;&#​115;&#​116;&#​101;&#​114;&#​046;&#​105;&#​099;&#​064;&#​101;&#​112;&#​102;&#​108;&#​046;&#​099;&#​104;</​a>​ 
- <!-- end include/​footer.jsp --> 
- <​td ​ width="​155"></​td>​ 
- </​tr>​ 
- </​table>​ 
 </​body>​ </​body>​
 </​html>​ </​html>​