Prof. Alejandro Buchmann Darmstadt University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Peter Bürgisser University of Paderborn
Dr. Levente Buttyan Budapest Univ. of Technology & Economics
Dr. Gregory Chockler MIT
Prof. Fernando De Bernardinis UCB
Dr. Alexander Dmitriev Russian Academy of Science
Dr. Tom Drummond University of Cambridge
Dr. Helmy Eltoukhy Stanford University
Prof. Paul Flikkema Northern Arizona University
Prof. Gerhard Fohler Malardalen University
Dr. Massimo Franceschetti EECS Berkeley
Prof. Enrico Franconi Free University of Bozen
Dr. David Gay Intel Research Berkeley
Prof. Virgil D. Gligor University of Maryland
Prof. Vivek Goyal MIT
Prof. Dr Jeffrey Huang Harvard University
Dr. Markus Jakobsson RSA Laboratories
Prof. Jelena Kovacevic Carnegie Mellon University
Dr. Shankar Krishnan AT & T Labs Research
Prof. Gernot Kubin TU Graz
Prof. Michael Luby Digital Fountain
Dr. Wenbo Mao Hewlett Packard Labs, Bristol
Dr. David McDonald University of Ottawa
Prof. Gérard Medioni University of Southern California
Dr. Oskar Mencer Imperial College and Maxeler Technologies
Dr. Rémi Monasson ENS Paris
Prof. Muthu Muthukrishnan Rutgers University of New Jersey
Prof. George Necula University of Berkeley
Prof. Wolfgang Nejdl Institut für Informationssysteme, Wissensbasierte Systeme (KBS)
Prof. Brian Noble University of Michigan
Dr. Ivana Podnar University of Zagreb
Dr. Burkhard Rost Columbia University
Dr. Matthew Roughan University of Adelaide
Prof. Carl Sechen University of Washington
Prof. Shlomo Shamai Technion
Prof. Alistair Sinclair University of California,Berkeley
Dr. Martin Steffen Christian Albrechts Universität of Kiel
Prof. Sergio Verdu Princeton University
Dr. Milan Vojnovic Microsoft Research Lab
Prof. Jack Keil Wolf University of California, San Diego