Prof. Alex Biryukov K.U. Leuven
Dr. Levente Buttyan Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Prof. Luca De Alfaro University of California, Santa Cruz
Prof. Sergio Verdu Princeton University
Prof. Francesco Svelto Universita' di Pavia, Pavia Italy
Prof. Jacques Stern Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris
Prof. Luciano Lavagno Universita' di Udine
Prof. Bernd Sturmfels University of California, Berkeley
Prof. Sebastien Roy Université de Montréal
Prof. F. Vazquez-Abad University of Montreal
Dr. Andrea Montanari ENS Paris
Prof. T.Konstantopoulos University of Patras, Greece
Prof. Esteban Zimanyi Université Libre Bruxelles
Prof. Don Towsley University of Massachusetts
Prof. Michael Goemans MIT
Prof. Ch. Claramunt Institut de Recherche de l'Ecole Navale, Brest
Prof. Liviu Iftode University of Maryland
Prof. Cosimo Laneve University of Bologna
Dr. Darryl Veitch University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Sethu Vijayakumar University of Southern California
Prof. Edward Knightly Rice University, Houston
Prof. M.G.Di Benedetto University of Rome La Sapienza
Dr. Manuel Faehndrich Microsoft Research
M. Luca De Nardis University of Rome La Sapienza
Prof. Sanjiva Prasad Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Dr. Vigyan Singhal Tempus Fugit Inc., Fremont, CA, U.S.A.
Dr. Ronen Feldman Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Prof. Ch.Fernandez-Maloigne Université de Poitiers
Prof. Erdal Arikan Bilkent University
Prof. Rina Dechter University of California at Irvine
Prof. Prabhakar Balaji Stanford University
Prof. Avi Wigderson Princeton
Prof. Shlomo Shamai Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
Prof. Edmund Yeh Yale University
Prof. Michael Gastpar Berkeley, EECS